Meeting opened at 6:02 pm.
Board Members Present:
Pat Wiedhopf (President), Sharon Spiker (Vice-President), Jill Kiefer (Treasurer), Cheryl Hoffman (Secretary), Mitch Kagen, Val Reynolds, Lorri Robinson, Miki Zeman Absent: David Wojtowicz.
A motion to accept the March 2, 2022 meeting minutes was made by Jill Kiefer, seconded by Sharon Spiker and were accepted without opposition.
Treasurer’s Report
Membership Account balance -$3016.18
AZ State Tax payment -$50.00 AZ
State Corporation Commission-$10.00
Membership number—51
Donor Plaque Account—$3936.96
Committee Reports
Archaeology Committee Account- $7152.06
$500.00 donation paid to Old Pueblo Archaeology
New Resident’s Welcome Letter
A letter was sent to new residents Timothy/Constance Woodward, 7452 E Rio Vista Circle
It was suggested that the board keep track whether the new residents are new Association members or not
Membership acquisition was discussed. Jill will give board members the membership listing to determine if surrounding residents would be interested in becoming Association members
Website Committee
The committee is in the process of gathering information from various past involved people
Park Stewardship Assignments 2022
April 10-23 Jill
April 24-May 7 Miki
May 8-21 Lorri
May 22-June 4 David
June 5-18 Cheryl
June 19-July 2 Val
July 3-16 Sharon
July 17-30 Pat
July 31-August 13 Mitch
Old Business
Yard Sale
Sharon put up the banner, Sara Read placed and ad on Craig’s List, JoAnn Martin placed and ad on Facebook Marketplace, Pat placed and ad on AZ Star Classified. The public commented to sellers that the ads and sign placement were well done.
Book Club
Three people attended the first VDR Book Club. The next meeting will be on May 12 @11am.
New Business
Liability Insurance
Review Sharon presented 2 quotes. The first was from the current company, Auto Owners Insurance for $2161.00 including and discounts. The second quote was from State Farm Insurance for$1799.00. It was suggested that the Board obtain more quotes. Jill will contact her insurance agent for additional possible quotes. Further discussion was tabled until those additional quotes are obtained.
Neighborhood Watch was tabled until September.
Bulk and brush pick-up by the City will occur during the week on 6/6/2022.
Cultural Park clean-up day was scheduled for the weekend of June 4-5, 2022.
Future Business
Roll-offs will be scheduled for the end of October 2022.
Porch Fest, and hayrides were table until a fall meeting.
Next Meeting
Wednesday May 11, 2022 @ 6pm
Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm
Minutes submitted by Cheryl Hoffman, Secretary