Meeting opened at 6pm
Derek Daniels, Mitch Kagen, Sara Read, Val Reynolds and Pat Wiedhopf were present.
Cheryl Hoffman, Sharon Spiker, and Miki Zeman were not able to attend.
Minutes from 3-15-2023 meeting.
Val made a motion to accept as amended, Sara seconded. Minutes were unanimously accepted as amended.
Treasurer's Report
Val provided the Treasurer’s Report
• $3,696.90 in membership account
• 63 members for 2023
• $3,935.86 in donor account
The Website
Sara reported that the website is up-to date.
Archaeology account has $6652.06
Social Events did not have a meeting last month. It will begin meeting in May. Derek will join the committee members. Sharon, Val and Miki. Two VDR resident members have also volunteered to serve on the committee.
Park Stewardship Assignments
Val - Apr 23-May 6
Miki - May 7-20
Derek - May 21-June 3
Cheryl - June 4-17
Mitch – June 18-July 1
Pat – July 2-15
Sharon – July 16-29
Sara – July 30-Aug 12
Old Business
The Old Pueblo Archaeology Center Park Tour on March 18, 2023 was well attended. Pictures will be posted on the website.
Mitch will follow-up with the COT for the replacement of several incorrect street signs and the location of sidewalk trip hazards.
New Business
Brush/Bulky pickup is scheduled for the Week of June 12, 2023. VDR is planning a Park Cleanup Day on Sunday, June 11th so park debris can be placed at curbside to coincide with Brush/Bulky pickup.
Mitch will coordinate with COT, Parks and Recreation Department.
The dense weed growth, furniture, grocery carts, and debris in the wash have been reported to the COT, Department of Transportation and a Service Request Confirmation has been received.
Ward 2 Council Office has been notified about a homeless situation. Outreach has been offered and the situation will be monitored. The COT Homeless Protocol will be posted on the website.
A link to the Tucson Police Department Patrol East Monthly Newsletter will be posted on the website.
Old Business On Hold
Archaeology Park/City of Tucson: Ramada – sealing adobe bricks.
The VDR Book Club meets tomorrow, Thursday, April 27th at 5pm at Erin Chadd’s home.
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue will be reviewed.
Next meeting was not scheduled.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm.
Submitted by Pat Wiedhopf for Cheryl Hoffman, Secretary