Meeting opened at 6:13pm by Miki Zeman
Members Present: Miki Zeman, Val Reynolds, Cheryl Hoffman, Mitch Kagen, Sara Read, Jacob Byron
Members Absent: Derek Daniels, Pat Weidhopt, Sharon Spiker,
Minutes from 6/3/2024 meeting acceptance were nominated by Val and seconded by Sara and unanimously approved by all present members.
Treasurer’s Report
membership account. $4079.26
membership update. 63 households
donor plaque account $3935.86
Val needs the login to the bank in order to access bank statements
Website Report
All current updates have been posted. Derek responded to some questions from neighbors that were posted on the website
Committee Updates
Archaeology Report
Account Balance: $4252.06
The Tohono O’odham financial support/grant proposal was reviewed and approved by the board. Document was sent in in order to meet the June 7, 2024. A question was posed as to when grantees will be notified of grant acceptance.
Park Stewardships
Derek June 16-29
Mitch June 30-July 13
Cheryl July 14-27
Sara July 28-Aug10
Pat Aug11-24
Jacob Aug 25-Sept7
Mitch Sept 8-21
Sharon Sept 22-Oct 5
Val Oct 6-19
Old Business
Independent Oversight & Accountability Committee
Vista Del Rio is still on the City schedule for summer/fall repaving of the roads. The next IOAC meeting is scheduled for July 22, 2024. Derek bad Sara have offered to attend.
Porch Fest is tabled until the Fall
Yard Sales Event is tabled until the Fall possibly Oct/Nov.
Day in the Park-Vista Del Rio Archaeology Celebration is scheduled for October 19, 2024. An application needs to be sent to City of Tucson for permission to hold event at Park.
Increasing fees for 2025 to $50 per year was discussed. It was decided to have Val do a spread sheet for yearly fixed expenses.
New Business
Venmo, Zelle and QR Code will be included in future newsletters and has not been incorporated.
Jacob will check of cost of Venmo.
Facebook-an account has been created and should include people who live, own in VDR. Board Services, and determining what neighbors want from the Association
Next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 5, 2024 @ 6pm via Zoom
Meeting was adjourned at 7:04pm
Submitted by Cheryl Hoffman, Secretary