Meeting opened at 6pm
Derek Daniels, Sara Read, Val Reynolds Sharon Spiker, Pat Wiedhopf and Miki Zeman were present.
Cheryl Hoffman and Mitch Kagen were not able to attend.
We had an impromptu Board Meeting on May 26, 2023 and no minutes were written.
Updates were provided for The Independent Oversight and Accountability Commission meeting on May 22, 2023 and the Homeless Camp near the wash. The next Oversite Commission meeting is scheduled for August 28, 2023.
Treasurer's Report
Val provided the Treasurer’s Report
• $3,696.90 in membership account
• 63 members for 2023inclluding 18 new from last year.
• $3,935.86 in donor account
The Website
Sara reported that the website is up-to date.
Archaeology account has $6652.06
Discussion: Social Events: looking at first/second week in Oct for an October Fest. Derek will join committee with Sharon, Val, Miki. Derek suggested a children friendly social hour. Location suggestion: little playground at Casa Rio area.
Park Stewardship Assignments:
Pat July 23-Aug 5
Mitch Aug 6-19
Sharon Aug 20-Sept 2
Val Sept 3-16
Miki Sept 17-30
Derek Oct 1-14
Cheryl Oct 15-28
Sara Oct 29-Nov 11
Old Business
Wash Cleanup – continues to be in process.
Homeless Camp – cleaned and no longer near wash.
Miki attended the Oversite Commission meeting on June 27, 2023 and gave an update.
Street Signage – Mitch will inquire.
Vactor Ranch Trees – Linda Knauss continues to work with the City to enforce the Ordinance protecting the trees and mitigate the tree removal that took place
New Business
Question: Who are responsible for cleaning up the easements backing-up to the wash? The homeowner.
Submitted by Pat Wiedhopf for Cheryl Hoffman, Secretary