Meeting opened at 6:07 pm.
Board Members:
Pat Wiedhopf (President), Sharon Spiker (Vice-President), Jill Kiefer (Treasurer), Cheryl Hoffman (Secretary), Mitch Kagen, Val Reynolds, Lorri Robinson, Miki Zeman, David Wojtowicz. All Board members were present. Neighborhood members present included John/Melody Dunlap, Sara Read, and JoAnn Martin
A motion to accept the January 5, 2022 meeting minutes was made by a Sharon Spiker, seconded by Jill Kiefer and were accepted without opposition.
Treasurer’s Report
Membership Account balance -$2341.88
Membership number—36
Donor Plaque Account—$3936.96
Archaeology Committee Account—$7652.07
Board Officer Elections
The following members were nominated, seconded by all Board Members present:
Pat Wiedhopf—President
Sharon Spiker—Vice-President
Cheryl Hoffman—Secretary
Jill Kiefer—Treasurer
Website Overview
Resident member Sara Read, reviewed the current website status with pros and cons and suggestions for improvement. Due to the complexity of her report, it was decided that a website committee (Pat Wiedhopf, Sharon Spiker, David Wojtowicz, Jill Kiefer and Sara Read) be formed to review her findings. Miki Zeman suggested that the website name be placed on announcement banner. Sharon Spiker already has a banner and will place on neighborhood sign when website is completed. A discussion ensured regarding website costs. A Go-Daddy account is already paid for through 2023. A WIX account currently would cost $216.00. Sara Read will email possible future meeting dates to committee.
Park Stewardship Assignments 2022
February 27-March 12–Sharon
March 13-26–Pat
March 27-April 9–Mitch
April 24-May 7–Miki
May 8-21–Lorri
May 22-June 4–David
June 5-18–Val
June 19-July 2–Cheryl
Old Business
Annual Meeting Review
It is wonderful to have neighbors interested in meetings.
Annual minutes will be reviewed at the next annual meeting.
Future Business
Yard Sale
Resident member JoAnn Martin asked that a Spring Neighborhood Yard Sale be scheduled. It was decided that April 2, 2022 @7am be the date and time. JoAnn will place notification on Facebook Market Place website. Sara Read will place a notification on Craig’s List. Pat will look into the AZ Star Classified Ads costs.
Book Club—will be advertised in the next Newsletter. First meeting will be held on 3-22-2022 @11am at Lorri’s home and every 4th Tuesday of the month.
Neighborhood Watch—it was suggested that a future in-person meeting be held
Graffiti—new graffiti has reappeared under a bridge. Jill stated that her husband will paint over it.
Any other Old and Future Business has been placed on hold
New Business
Newsletter will be distributed during the weekend of March 12, 2022.
Next Meeting
April 13, 2022 @ 6:00pm
Meeting was adjourned at 7:26 pm
Minutes submitted by Cheryl Hoffman, Secretary