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November 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Writer: Sara ReadSara Read

Meeting opened at 6:00 pm.

Board Members Present

All elected members present except Mitch and Lorri.

Jill Kiefer stepped down from her position as Treasurer. She was thanked for her 4 ½ years of service (from June 2018 to October 19, 2022) and given a gift card to The Barnyard Restaurant as a token of our appreciation. The thank you card

was designed by Val.

Lorri Robinson resigned from the board but she is still interested in organizing the VDR Book Club. She said that her husband, Mark, is available to help deliver the newsletters if needed.

Motion to accept October 19, 2022 minutes was made by Sharon and seconded by Val. They passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report

Val provided the Treasurer’s Report


68 members (61 – 2022 & 7 paid renewals/new – 2023)

$3,936.96 in donor account

Sharon reported that the PO Box fee was paid in August 2022. She will research the feasibility of changing the PO Box size for a fee reduction.

Some board members are still researching the possibility of lowering the liability insurance fee. Our VDR liability insurance for 2022 is $2161.00 effective until 12:01am 12/23/2022. The insurance fee for 2023 is $2,380 but if paid

before the deadline, it will only be $2,145.

Sharon gave Archaeology account balance: $7152.06.


The Website Committee is composed of Sara Read, Sharon Spiker, Pat Wiedhopf and Jon Kinnaman. Sara is expected back at the end of November.

Park Stewardship Assignments were reviewed.

Old Business

Halloween at the Park—was celebrated Sunday, October 30 th . Val provided treat bags; Mitch, Val and Sharon provided candy; and Pat and Sharon put the treat bags together, provided the decorations and decorated the Ramada.

Signage was taped to various street signs a couple of days prior to the event. Sharon took pictures and sent them to Sara for posting on the website.

Wash Cleanup was scheduled for mid-October but hasn’t been completed as of this date.

Park Maintenance: Park Cleanup & Free Tree Pruning Class is scheduled for Friday December 2 from 3pm to dusk, in conjunction with Brush/Bulky Pickup December 5th . It is being organized by City of Tucson Parks & Recreation, Office of the City Manager, and Tucson Clean & Beautiful.

Brush/Bulky Pickup – Week Beginning Monday, December 5, 2022.

Holiday Events:

Lighting Contest dates were set: Monday, December 12 through Thursday, December 15 and ballots due by 9pm on December 15. Jill volunteered to have the ballot box at her front porch and count the ballots with Mitch. Jill and Mitch will

deliver the Award Signs to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners on Friday, December 16.

Hayride will be December 17 beginning at 5:30pm with the last ride leaving at 7pm. The cost will be $1,000. Jill and Mitch will determine the route. It will be free for members who will have priority seating and $5.00 per adult non-members

and children will be free. Request for Food Bank donations will be placed in the newsletter.

New Business:

Street Signage – Mitch has submitted request for new street signs, as some are faded. They should be delivered in about 4 weeks.

Vactor Ranch HOA update: cutting trees at easement Update. Sharon and Miki volunteered to assist Linda Knauss.

Old Business on Hold:

All old business continues to be on hold

Next meeting will be Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 6:30pm via Zoom.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm

Submitted by Pat Wiedhopf, President



©2022 by Vista del Rio Residents Association.

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