Meeting opened at 6:00 pm.
Board Members Present
All elected members present except Miki, Jill and Lorri.
Motion to accept August 3, 2022 minutes was made by Val and seconded by Sharon. They passed unanimously.
Jill resigned from the Treasurer’s position. Val was nominated to fill the vacant position by Sharon, seconded by David and Cheryl. All members present voted in favor. A thank you gift card to a restaurant will be presented to Jill for her
dedicated service as Treasurer. Sharon volunteered to check the PO Box and moved to obtain a smaller more appropriate PO Box. David seconded. The board approved. Val and Mitch will obtain past financial documents from Jill.
Treasurer’s Report
Val then provided the Treasurer’s Report:
60.00 was spent for the purchase of a receipt book
62 members
$3,936.96 in donor account
It was noted that VDR liability insurance for 2022 is $2161.00 effective until 12:01am 12/23/2022.
Sharon gave Archaeology account balance: $7152.06.
Park Stewardship Assignments were reviewed:
Lorri was changed from Sept 11-24 to Oct 23-Nov 5
Val was changed from Oct 23-Nov 5 to Sept 11-24
Website Committee
Sara Read has made all requested changes.
Old Business
City roll-offs we’re delivered and picked-up. Both were completely filled. It was noted that the neighborhood yards are being better maintained this fall.
Halloween at the Park—Val will provide treat bags, Mitch and Val will provide candy and Pat//Sharon will provide decorations. A banner will be placed on neighborhood sign.
Park—missing entrance letters have been replaced and look wonderful. The doggie bag container was moved to the park entrance. The Ramada still needs repairing.
District Advisory Council—meets quarterly. The next meeting will be January 2023
Mitch will follow-up on street sign replacement.
New Business
City brush and bulky pick-up will be the week of December 5, 2022.
Park clean-up day will be December 2. A tree pruning class will be provided by a City of Tucson arborist.
Ward 2 June meeting-June was last date we were notified.
Website banner will be placed on neighborhood entrance.
Old Business on Hold – All old business continues to be on hold.
Next meeting will be Tuesday November 15, 2022 at 6:30pm via Zoom.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm
Submitted by Cheryl Hoffman, Secretary